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Frequently Asked Questions by Customers

Here are some questions we are hearing from potential customers.

How does it work?

Answer: How exactly it all works will become clear in the next couple of months when we get ready to disclose the details to the public.

Suppose a vendor does not list PayPerNet as a payment option. Can I still use it?

Answer: Yes! Any vendor (or private person, for that matter) will be able to receive money from you through PayPerNet. However, if the vendor has not installed the (free) PayPerNet vendor kit, then he will have to process the PayPerNet payment manually. He may or may not accept to do so. There cannot be a guarantee that the vendor will allow you to pay through PayPerNet.

Can I try PayPerNet somewhere today?

Answer: MrPay has a demonstration available. If you qualify you can sign up for the demonstration with them.

Note that a number of important details about PayPerNet operation cannot be publicly disclosed yet.


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