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Vendor Survey

What do you want, what are your needs?  The goal of this short vendor survey is to identify vendor sentiment and requirements in order for us to fine-tune our payment system to best support you.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!


  1. Please describe your primary business activity:

  2. What is your Internet transaction volume today?

  3. What is (is expected to be) the average sales price for the products you (intend to) sell on-line?

  4. Which are, in your opinion and experience, the reason(s) why some consumers decide not to buy on-line?
    Payment fraud security/afraid to use their credit card
    Not having a credit card
    Lack of physical payment 'receipt'
    Lack of privacy/anonymity with on-line credit card purchases
    Warranty/Quality issues: ' where do I go when it needs repair?'
    Product return policies
    Inability to 'feel' the product before buying
    Lack of choice of products sold on-line
    Bad webshop design
    Delivery delay/cost
    Inexperience/novelty of the Internet

  5. What do you feel are problems facing on-line vendors, when looking at e-payments?
    Credit card fraud
    Transaction costs associated with on-line payment methods
    Can't economically receive micropayments
    Sign-up requirements with card companies
    Tax, duty and shipping related difficulties when selling abroad
    Technical problems implementing/integrating/operating payment software
    Access by third parties to confidential information

  6. Please add any comments (experiences, requests) you may have! 

Your Information: (optional)

Company Name
Mr.Mrs.  Name    Last:
Zip/Postal code State/Province
Contact E-mail

Please check if you would like to participate in the PPN Trial. Participation in the trial will require the completion of a non-disclosure agreement, available here. At this time, participation is open only to vendors residing in the the EU or North America.

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Trademarks are owned by the respective company or PayPerNet.